Trademark Prosecution
Moser Taboada provides clients with US and non-US trademark application preparation and prosecution services. Our attorneys have extensive experience prosecuting trademark applications before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. We also work closely with non-US associates to prosecute applications before various patent offices around the world.
GTLD Registrations and the Trademark Clearinghouse
What is the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH)?
A centralized database of verified trademarks connected to every one of the more than 1,000 new gTLDs that will begin launching in 2014.
Why is it important to register for Generic Top Level Domain (GTLD) protection?
More than half of the new gTLDs will run with open registration policies so that anyone can register a new domain name without restriction.
What Services are offered through the TMCH?
Sunrise Services
- Pre-registration of your trademark(s) for an initial period of at least 30 days before domain names are offered to the general public.
- After verification, your trademark rights are centrally stored and an SMD file is generated, which can be used to register the corresponding domain name in any new gTLD, before general registrations open.
- You only have to register your trademark record once to be able to participate in any sunrise.
Trademark Claims Service
- After the Sunrise Period, a notification service is available to warn domain name registrants, as well as trademark holders, of possible infringement.
- Potential registrants will receive a warning notice when attempting to register a domain name that matches a trademark term in the TMCH.
- Trademark holders will receive a notification of potentially infringing domain name registration(s), so they can take appropriate action, if necessary.
How can Moser Taboada help?
As a Registered TMCH Agent, Moser Taboada can assist new and existing clients by filing for TMCH protection for registered marks. Once verified, we can assist with monitoring TMCH reports and notify our clients of potential infringements and assist them in taking appropriate action to protect their brands. We offer competitive hourly pricing, flat rates, and volume discounts.